During the Project we signed a “Sister City Partnership Aggrement” between Portimão and Bayraklı municipalities, opening a new and sustainable channel for cooperation between these 2 cities., opening a new and sustainable channel for cooperation between 2 municipialities


We developed local strategies, plans, roadmaps regarding climate change and sustainable development; co-support between partners municipalities – Portimão and Bayraklı – to create each own road map related to climate change.


Creating networks and platforms for exchange of best practices related to climate and environment; via a deep relation between Portimão’s and Bayraklı’s implementations and teams’ mobility, 


We did some actions targeting public awareness on climate change and environment, focusing on different community groups. It helped raising awareness on the urgency and importance of adapting to climate change. Besides students also worked with their families and their teachers reaching out to different groups in the community increasing their awareness about climate change.


We have trained with 200 students (100 from each country) and increased their capacity about global warming. We identified local natural resources that could be the basis of experiences in the elaboration of three Biomaterials KIT deliverables: Biomaterials Mobile Lab (for schools); Home toolkit experience manuals (for Families) and the small scale Biodesign place project (for the community)


We assumed that, through this experience, K-12 students will continue to be motivated by the Bio-KIT and Mobile-LAB experience to eventually join the societies, communities and professional careers around the world that are seeking equitable solutions through environmental consciousness.


Build skills and competences for biomaterials Education based on co-creation of learning scenarios, experiences manuals. Train teachers, students, families and community about biomaterials techniques, tools or experiences and promoting consumption behavioral change. Bridge between Schools, family Homes for better understanding of each other role on changing consumer behavior patterns, focusing on re-use of natural materials. Create conscientiousness and visibility of Biomaterials and Biodesign by community interventions. Elaborate an action plan to integrate the Biomaterials KIT approach in K12 education system


The first branch, aimed at training K-12 students through hands-on experience, intends to introduce the positive impact of bio-design in relation to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and the green deal. The Bootcamp activities will introduce the pilot programme to teach K-12 students (ages 12-15) the basics of bio-design and sustainable design thinking through hands-on experiences: the use of Bio-design KIT and Bio-Mobile LAB


One of the first results of this project is a kit of cards with bio recipes for making biomaterials that was created according to the results of BOOTCAMP carried out by students and teachers. In their ideation process, the students indicated how they would like the recipes to be written for their better understanding, as well as to be able to replicate the techniques/recipes.




Collaboration and Participatory Action Research


Co-building knowledge & experience for Greener Future between Cities


Students, Teachers & Families engagement

Who We Are

4 Consortium Partners

  • Leader – Portimão Municipality
  • Co-applicant – Bayraklı Municipality
  • Co-applicant – ISMAT U. Portugal
  • Co.applicant – Izmir Economics U. Turkey

Our Vision

PURPOSE – Biomaterials and Biodesign green solutions hidden away in university labs need to reach a broader audience. This knowledge and methods can be reconstructed into actionable methods for the “Young learner/maker”.

To accomplish this, motivation for green action must go hand in hand with skills that allow us to take action, tools that make actions possible and last but most importantly – Creativity!

Our Mission

The methodological proposal is centered on participatory action research (PAR), participatory design and co-creation processes, to generate, in a first phase, a commitment to the young citizens and their communities.

The education environment will be conducted for interacting with the youngest, local agents such as teachers and specialists from the municipality, their respective families and communities where they are located.



Thank you very much to the teachers at Ismat, Telma and Filipe from CM Portimão and to BiomaterialKIT project for this week, and for the conditions and experiences provided to the students. The students love the experience and are already preparing to replicate the Biomaterials recipes to hold workshops with their schoolmates who did not participate. Well done!

Ana Mariano

Teacher Bemposta School Portimão

Fantastic experience. We love the intensive week essentially because we work as a team and collaboratively. It’s great to work in a group. We learned a lot about Biomaterials and about all phases of a creative process. I think we came up with good ideas for the Manual and the Mobile_LAB that will equip our school.

Gabriel Purificação

Student for Bemposta School

We have started an exciting project for a green future. The project promotes intercultural solidarity and knowledge sharing. It is important in the fight against climate change. The objective of this project is to strengthen collaboration between local actors, academics and educators. We will observe consumption habits.

Serdar Sandal

Bayraklı, Municipality Major

“The Biomaterialkit project demonstrates the power of sustainability and cross-cultural collaboration in addressing global environmental challenges. By uniting shared goals, it promotes sustainable practices that benefit both the local and global community. This initiative highlights the critical role of local governance empowering communities.”

İrfan ÖNAL

Bayraklı, New Municipality Major

This BiomaterialKIT project is structuring for the city of Portimão as it has its Soul and Heart in secondary schools, together with Young People to promote the change in mentality and attitude that we all need to build a better and “greener” World. It is these young people who can change their consumption habits and, with this change, inspire their families to do the same.

Álvaro Bila

President Portimão Municipality

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